The Writer

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Had fun alliterating my way through the alphabet, twice. Aspirations to become a writer one day, poems will suffice for the moment.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wrap-It-Up. A-Z Challenge 2014

Wrap-It-Up Challenge Time!

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

Abnegation breezed courageously,
demoting energetic freethinkers.
Ghastly howlers 
intertwine joyously.
Kismet lingers momentarily,
now over-with.
Prefigured quietus ravages
seraphic taction.
Ultroneous vagility whilom
 xeransis, yoicks zappily.

here are some of the strange words I used;
quietus: discharge from life, extinction, death, silencing
seraphic: serene, blissful, angelic
taction: contact, touch
ultroneous: spontaneous, voluntary
vagility: ability to succeed in the struggle for existence
whilom: formerly, once
xeransis: drying up
yoicks: expression of surprise or excitement
zappily: lively, entertaining

Special Thanks;
for always being there. Superb friend and always a treat to follow her life around.
Thank you for making the Phrontistery; dictionary with obscure words, free and available.
(I didn't even manage to use 1/4th of the words he has hidden away in this gem of a find.)
And of course, 
Big thanks to all you who commented and kept tuned for the whole Challenge.
I hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as I did.

-Miss Bates.