The Writer

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Had fun alliterating my way through the alphabet, twice. Aspirations to become a writer one day, poems will suffice for the moment.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wrap-It-Up. A-Z Challenge 2014

Wrap-It-Up Challenge Time!

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

Abnegation breezed courageously,
demoting energetic freethinkers.
Ghastly howlers 
intertwine joyously.
Kismet lingers momentarily,
now over-with.
Prefigured quietus ravages
seraphic taction.
Ultroneous vagility whilom
 xeransis, yoicks zappily.

here are some of the strange words I used;
quietus: discharge from life, extinction, death, silencing
seraphic: serene, blissful, angelic
taction: contact, touch
ultroneous: spontaneous, voluntary
vagility: ability to succeed in the struggle for existence
whilom: formerly, once
xeransis: drying up
yoicks: expression of surprise or excitement
zappily: lively, entertaining

Special Thanks;
for always being there. Superb friend and always a treat to follow her life around.
Thank you for making the Phrontistery; dictionary with obscure words, free and available.
(I didn't even manage to use 1/4th of the words he has hidden away in this gem of a find.)
And of course, 
Big thanks to all you who commented and kept tuned for the whole Challenge.
I hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as I did.

-Miss Bates.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is for Zooscopy. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 13.

hallucination that one is seeing animals

Zazzy zitella, 
zappy zephyrs zizz.
Zonk zany zooscopy.
Zen zeems zizzling,

Here are some of the strange words I used;
Zazzy - flashy, stylish
Zitella - young girl, maiden
Zappy - lively, entertaining
Zephyr - a soft gentle breeze
Zizz - sparkle, vim; energy
Zonk - hit or strike
Zany - amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
Zooscopy - hallucination that one is seeing animals)
Zeems - seems (sorry for the cheat)
Zizzle - variant spelling of sizzle
Zenzizenzizenzic - (the square of the square of the square) eight power of a number

~Stay tuned for tomorrows Wrap-It-Up post.
Thanks for keeping tuned and thank you all for your comments.
Been a lovely month!
-Miss Bates.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Y is for Yeasty. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 13.

full of restless energy or creativity; insubstantial

Yeasty yeuk yede
yikkering yoicks.
Yird yellow yesterdays,
youthfully yompering
yelping yodels yon.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Yeuk / Yuke - to itch
Yede - to go
Yikker / Yelp - to utter sharp little cries
Yoicks - expression of surprise or excitement
Yird - to bury
Yomp - to carry heavy equipment over difficult terrain  
Yon - yonder

-Miss Bates.

Monday, April 28, 2014

X is for Xenodochial. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 10.

hospitable, kindly to strangers

'Xcoriated Xanthippe, 
Xenomorphically 'xisting xenogenous.
'xpressing 'xcellence.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Xanthippe - ill-tempered woman
Xanthodont - one with yellow teeth
Xenomorphic - having a form not its own
Xenogenous - due to an outside cause
Xylomancy - divination* by examining wood found in one's path
*the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means

-Miss Bates.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

W is for Wegotism. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 17.

      excessive use of the pronoun 'we' in speech or writing

Whilom wearish wantage
worked wholefully
whitersoever whiterward.
What way won?
Whangam wistful
wanted welkin.
without wondermongers

here are some of the strange words I used;
Whilom -  formerly; once; former
Wearish -tasteless; savourless 
Wantage - deficiency; shortage 
Whitersoever - to any place whatsoever  
Whiterward - toward what or which place 
Whangam - an imaginary animal 
Wistful - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing  
Welkin - the vault of the sky; firmament; heaven 
Wondermonger - one who promises miracles 
Withal - besides; therewith; nevertheless; with  

-Miss Bates.

V is for Videndum. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 11.

      things to be seen

Vibrant voids
vectitation vastidity.
Veracious vrausemblance,
viva vagility.
Vintage vision visualised.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Vectitation - act of carrying or conveying  
Vastidity - vastness, a vast extent 
Veracious - truthful, exact 
Vrausemblance - verisimilitude; the appearance of being true or real
Vagility - ability to succeed in the struggle for existence 

sorry for the delay.
-Miss Bates.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is for Ultroneous. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 10.

       spontaneous; voluntary

Ubiquitous ultrafidian usward.
Usufruct, unashamed
unyielding unknown.
unfolding, urging

here are some of the strange words I used;
Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere 
Ultrafidian - going beyond faith  
Usward - towards us 
Usufruct- the right to use and enjoy something 
-Miss Bates.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is for Tanti. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 19.


Tricky tentamen
transmuted tabefaction telarians
to teramorphousness.
Terrorizing tremors,
tenebrific temporise.
Tranquil thy thinking,
transfer towards tenderness,
tragic tritanopia.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Tentamen - experiment; attempt
Tabefaction -  wasting away, emaciation; the state of being abnormally thin or weak
Telarian - creature that spins a web 
Teramorphous - of abnormal or monstrous form 
Tenebrific - producing darkness
Temporise - to delay, to procrastinate
Tritanopia - inability to distinguish the color blue

-Miss Bates.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is for Scripturient. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 13.

having a violent desire to write

Sempiternal seraphic susurrus
silently surrounding spectrums.
Sejugate sanative serenity.
Smile, salvation
soon settles.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Sempiternal - of never-ending duration; eternal
Seraphic - serene, blissful, angelic 
Susurrus - murmuring, whisper, rustling
Sejugate - to separate 
Sanative - healing

-Miss Bates.

Monday, April 21, 2014

R is for Rondeau. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 19.

a poem of thirteen lines.

remuantly recumbent.
Render, relinquish,
Remain restless,
Ruptile rookery.
Redeemers realize
Resolute, resolve,

here are some of the strange words I used;
Retrophiliacs - lovers of things of the past
Remuant -restless; fidgety 
Recumbent -reclining, lying comfortably
Rhinotillexomania - compulsive nose picking
Ruptile -easily breakable
Rookery -state of confusion

-Miss Bates.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Q is for Quicquidlibet. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 11.

whatever one pleases; anything whatsoever

Quick quietus,
quixotic quintessence.
Quarterly quagswagged,
quasi quiddity.
Quantulating quondam quicguidlibet.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Quietus - discharge from life, extinction, death, silencing
Quixotic -extravagantly and romantically chivalrous, idealistic 
Quintessence -the most essential part or embodiment of something
Quagswag - to shake to and fro
Quasi -as if, seemingly, in a manner
Quiddity -unique essence, eccentricity
Quantulate -to calculate the magnitude of
Quondam - former, sometime, formerly
-Miss Bates.

P is for Petrichor. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 25.

pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell

Prominently proactive, pancratic.
Pandemonium pandemonism.
Powering Panglossian perception,
preceding predetermined poiesis.
Punctuating plenipotence, 
proclaiming prefigured 
protensive porphyrous plenilune.
Panoptic, paradisiacal pantomnesia.
Pertaining picture perfect plaques.

here are some of the strange words I used;
Pancratic - excelling all round in athletics or accomplishments
Pandemonism - worship of spirits dwelling in all forms of nature 
Panglossian - overly optimistic 
Poiesis - creation
Plenipotence - absolute power
Prefigure -  to imagine beforehand; to foreshadow
Protensive -extensive in time or length 
Porphyrous - purple 
Plenilune - full moon 
Panoptic - all-embracing, viewing all aspects 
Pantomnesia -remembrance of everything ever learned
Plaques - an ornament, in commemoration of a person or event 

sorry about the delay,
-Miss Bates.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

O is for Octastich. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 17.

poem of eight lines

odfuscated obmutescent.
Obsecrate oblique orders.
Opulent occultness.
Obduracy opened old,
original opportunities.
Outlook only overwhelmed

here are some of the strange words I used;
Obambulating - to wander about
Odfuscate - to obscure, to darken, to confuse
Obmutescent - speechless, persistently silent
Obduracy - stubbornness; persistence

-Miss Bates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N is for Nefelibata. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 14.

a cloud walker.
One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination.
An unconventional, unorthodox person

Nostalgic nights nimble 
nonmoral nocturnes.
Nomads near noble
noctambulists noticing
needy nefelibatas.
Nonsense, nevermore!

here are some of the strange words I used;
Nocturne - a picture of a night scene
Nomad - a wanderer
Noctambulist - a sleep walker
-Miss Bates.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M is for Maudlin. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 12.

tearfully sentimental

Meagerly meandering 
'mongst mystical magnality.
Masking meaning, maleficentness.
Masquerading memories,
miraculously mabsoot.

Here are some of the strange words I used;
Magnality - wonderful or great thing
Malefic - doing mischief; producing evil
Mabsoot - happy

-Miss Bates.

Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for Lethologica. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 16

inability to remember the right word

Leading luminous lows,
lepid lemures lenify
loathful liberations.
Lifelike luck lavishes
lustful laughs,
lingering 'long labyrinths

Here are some of the strange words I used;
Lepid - pleasant, charming, amusing
Lemures - spirits of the dead
Lenify - to mitigate or assuage (make less severe)

-Miss Bates.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

K is for Kainotophobia. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 13.

fear of change

Keen keck known.
Kainotophobic Kaiserin
keeps kisan-workers,
kelp kollecting kennebeckers.
Kippage, kissing kismet.

I cheated a bit on this one. but here are some of the strange words I used:
Keck - to feel disgust
Kaiserin - wife of a Kaiser(German Emperor)
Kainotophobia - fear of change
Kisan - an agricultural worker, a peasant
Kennebecker - Knapsack
Kippage - State of displeasure or anger
Kismet - Fate, destiny

-Miss Bates.

Friday, April 11, 2014

J is for Jazzetry. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 10

poetry read to jazz accompaniment

Jazzlike Jackal
jumped junctions.
Joyous Jester Jack.

-Miss Bates.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I is for Ideopraxist. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 16

one who is impelled to carry out an idea

Improbable inconsistencies
intergrading inside infinity.
Inflicting information incased
in incredible images.
Infatuating incomplete identities 
into idealess.

-Miss Bates.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is for Hapax. A-Z Challenge 2014

today's roll revealed the number to be 17

word which occurs only once

Harrumphing Helmsmen
hissing hurtful hate.
Horrible Hounds hunting
Howling help!
History has hung heavy,
healing hope.

-Miss Bates.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for Gerendum. A-Z challenge 2014

Today's roll of the dice revealed the number of the day to be 13

something that has to be done

Gilded gates glorified.
Gloomy glance,
gallant Goliaths
gain gratitude.
Glistening grunts gladly

-Miss Bates.

Monday, April 7, 2014

F is for Fondness. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll of the dice, revealed the number of the day to be 14

Feeble flammule frantically
failed freeing folded fortresses.
Flawless figurine filters faults
from frolic footwork.

-Miss Bates.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for Eirenism. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll revealed the number of the day to be 19

Embroider emblems elegantly 
enticing envious eyes.
Empty explements eagerly erupt
emotional erubescent.
Ergo esemplasy erroded extamundane
erewhile entering eirenism.

-Miss Bates.

Explement ~ compliment
Erubescent  ~ growing red; blushing
Ergo ~ therefor, hence
Esemplasy ~ the unifying power of imagination
Extramundane ~ beyond the known universe
Eirenism ~ peaceful state of mind

Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Decastich. A-Z Challenge 2014

Today's roll of the dice revealed the number of the day to be 25.
Which is perfect for the word of the day;

ten line poem

Daydreaming deadbeats
demolishing dreams.
Do-gooders, dandy divers
diminishing darker dwellings.
Dropping dotted darts
down Dictationlane.
Delaying do's, 
depriving don'ts.
Distant, drastic dominance
displayed devastating defeat.

-Miss Bates.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

C is for Chimerical. A-Z Challenge 2014

imaginary; fanciful

Number of the day is 9, since today is the 9th anniversary of my confirmation.

Cymbal chimes crept
courageously, came crawling
carrying colorful creations.

-Miss Bates

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Breezy. A-Z Challenge 2014

Day two, rolling two dices three times; 2+1, 4+3, 3+3= 16

Bloody bewildering Busters,
begone by blistering boulders.
Bystanders bellyup, beware.
Blessed be bold, blind be braver.

-Miss Bates

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A is for Assertion. A-Z Challenge 2014

A is for Assertion.

I'm going to alliterate for this challenge, like I did last year.
Except this year: I'm going to roll two dices, 
the number I get will be the amount of words I get to work with.

Today I got Snake Eyes.
so naturally I rolled again
And I got Snake Eyes again.
thinking third time is the charm…
I got Snake Eyes!
what are the chances.
so the number today is 6.

Ambiguously assembled,
addressing additional affections,
Admiral Allure.

This is going to be fun.
Sorry for posting so late.
April fools kind of snuck up on me.
(Just to make things up, I've "hidden" 7 extra 'A' words in the post, just for your amusement)

-Miss Bates