zeal |zēl|
great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an object.
A zany cat I once met. She was quite zealous about the house
and ended up breaking up the kitchen window.
Zealful zombi zapped.
Zinging zowie zonked.
Zounds zipped.
Zig zagging zodiacs
zooming zaftig zones.
Zinging zowie zonked.
Zounds zipped.
Zig zagging zodiacs
zooming zaftig zones.
Now that the A-Z is officially over,
I'd like to issue out a thank you to Ida Chiavaro ;for being my rock structure through-out this challenge.
And to all of you who took the time to read and comment and tell me what you think! I'm far from done with blogging so stay tuned!
To anyone who is completing the A-Z Challenge 2013, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We did it!
Much love and appreciation to you all.
-Miss Bates.