The Writer

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Had fun alliterating my way through the alphabet, twice. Aspirations to become a writer one day, poems will suffice for the moment.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

K is for Kenning. A-Z Challenge 2015

is a figurative expression that replaces a name or a noun. Often it's a compound of two words and the words are hyphenated. Kennings are usually associated with Old Norse, Icelandic and Anglo Saxon poetry.
Example: Desert-ship = a Camel

Hot-potato, Hot-potato
what a Forseti-Failure.
Can't be a Bringer of Rings,
can't change the Northern-kiss.
Mind the mind's worth.
Oh, Hot-potato
kiss the sky-candle.
And the Rune-caller 
may grant your wish.
With uncut threads
and fresh feather's fall
the draught of giants
takes shelter from
the sky's black cloak.

Hot-Potatoe: Someone no one wants
Forseti-Failure: Unjust decisions
Bringer of Rings: Chieftain, King
Northern-kiss: Cold wind
Mind's Worth: Honor
Sky-candle: Sun
Rune-caller: Wizard
Uncut threads: Destiny to be fulfilled
Feather's fall: Falling snow
Draught of giants: Sudden realization 
Sky's black cloak: Nightfall

-Miss Bates.


  1. I like the imagery of sky's black cloak in particular.

  2. I love Bringer of Rings. In fact I think all the Kennings are good

  3. I had no idea rhyming slang was called a kenning... this poem is genius - i knew a few old sailors that spoke like this :)


Feel inclined to indulge in words that intrigue.