The Writer

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Had fun alliterating my way through the alphabet, twice. Aspirations to become a writer one day, poems will suffice for the moment.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

V is for Visual Poetry. A-Z Challenge 2015

Visual poetry
i think these are beautiful.

Þetta byrjaði sem; It all started as;
Hamingja happiness
Sem framkallaði; that produced;
Tár a tear
Sem uppgötvaði; that discovered;
Sorgina sorrow
Sem leiddi að; that lead to;
Söknuði. longing.

Reiði, biturleiki, skilningur. Anger, bitterness, understanding.

Söknuður Longing
Sem leiddi að; that lead to;
Sorg sorrow
Sem uppgötvaði; that discovered;
Tár a tear
Sem framkallaði; that produced;

Hamingju. happiness.
-Miss Bates.


  1. I thought the cat shape was particularly clever. Never come across visual poetry like this before.


Feel inclined to indulge in words that intrigue.